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A Week In The Workshop 152

Direct video link -

So I’ve had my ‘secret squirrel’ trip; I was asked by the UK arm of Spanish board manufacturer Finsa to visit one of their Portuguese factories manufacturing their ‘Hidrofugo’ (moisture resistant) MDF, along with around 15 or so other ‘social media savvy’ cabinetmakers - mostly prominent British Instagrammers.

It was a fun trip - not entirely successful as a video exercise, as you’ll see, but very interesting to see the process - and the scale - of manufacture. Also an absolute pleasure to get to chat with some other one-man / small company maker-installers, a couple of whom I ‘knew’ from social media already, but mostly not; good group of people, and a great couple of nights away.

Back at home, I had the first production sample of the 32mm Benchdogs ruler jig which works really well. After all the soul-searching about wether to ship it in one piece, it turns out it was cheaper to have it cut into three because the length of the one-piece made it a ‘small parcel’ not a ‘large letter’, so decision made!

I should have stock - and plans - available next week, ahead of the video scheduled for Friday 7th.

I did finally hear back from Mirka and they will transfer warranties of the sanders I buy to two separate individuals, so that’ll be a runner just as soon as I settle up their pro-forma invoice, which - of course - arrived while I was away.

This weeks giveaway is the Sandercard packs, and as before I’ve done the spinning wheel thing and the lucky winners are…

Greg Haigh, Steve Lamb, Graham Bailey, Chris Murley, John Martin! Congrats everyone, if I don’t have addresses for you I’ll be in touch shortly.

I’ll call this one done for they week though; thanks so much for your support of the new Plus platform, and I’ll update you on the shelf-pin jigs mid-week.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


563 views7 comments


Vic Bridgland
Oct 03, 2022

Peter at 15.43 minutes in there appeared to be an eggcrate type product mounted horizontally at high level. Do you have any further info on this. I.e sizes, finishes etc. This would be good for a floating shelf application due to its lighter weight. Indeed any application that was needed to keep the weight down.

Vic Bridgland
Oct 04, 2022
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Thanks Peter, I'll check it out. I have some 'Dark wood' floating shelves coming up. It would be good if they do it in different finishes.


Leo Winstanley
Oct 02, 2022

Great that Mirka have agreed to transfer the warranty Peter. Are you going to order a Deos? Love to hear your thoughts on it as I seem to recall you saying the RTS 400 is one of your favourite sanders? I think the Deos is fantastic 😀

Oct 02, 2022
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Cheers Leo. Yes, I’ve ordered a Deos and a Deros - looking forwards especially to the Deos for exactly those reasons! 👍👍


James Thompson
Oct 02, 2022

Can't find a U.S. distributor for Finsa so far, so it doesn't exist ;-).

Oct 02, 2022
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