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[AD]Evolution R185 CSSX Li [member edit]

For all 10MW Plus members

In this video I take a look at one of two new cordless saws from Evolution, along with their latest G2 guide rails, new connector bars and accessories.

Thanks to Evolution for sponsoring this video.


Table of Contents:


00:00 Introduction

00:36 Unboxing

01:13 Saw Overview

01:37 Guide rails overview

02:22 Rail connectors & compatibility

02:45 Rail accessories

03:39 Cut tests in Birch plywood

04:07 Cut test in solid cherry slab

04:25 What I like about the evolution saw

04:57 What I don’t like about the saw

05:40 What I’m on the fence about

05:45 Who is this saw for

05:51 Conclusion


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505 views9 comments


Karl Savage
Aug 11, 2024

Has anyone bought the evolution rail square and is it any good and accurate.? Highly disappointed with my Festool FS WA variable angle rail squares accuracy . Hugs the rail and sits nicely on the workpiece but the protractor is less than accurate .


James Thompson
Jul 19, 2024

As I'm watching I'm thinking 'I know I've seen the Evolution sign in big somewhere recently.' I googled Evolution, scrolled to the bottom of their website and there it was, their US Headquarters. It's about an hour plus away from my home city on the same US interstate both cities sit on. I'd seen it several times before, but putting the two together just didn't click. I was wondering if I could get their track in the US for my Festool tools. Definitively yes.

Thanks for the review.


Grant Davies
Jul 19, 2024

great video peter, the more things I can get on a track the less fixing I have to do after :) These will be my next rails and saw. I have the evolution miter saw and originally used it for metal work but its become my all purpose chop saw and works great.


David Sneddon
David Sneddon
Jul 19, 2024

Fantastic video Peter, the effort to bone up on all that gear is impressive and combined with your breathless delivery makes for absolutely compulsive watching, excellent as always.⭐️

Jul 19, 2024
Replying to

Thanks David! Took most of the day to write this one!


James Farrer
Jul 19, 2024

The shot at the end with all the different tracksaws riding on the rails is genius. Kudos to evolution as well for allowing you to put other competitors products into the video. I don't think the saw is for me but the rails definitely are!

Jul 19, 2024
Replying to

Thanks James! Yes, I convinced them of the benefits of showing different brands of saw on the tracks. Like yourself, I find the tracks more interesting that the saw! 👍

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