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Loose Tenon Jig 30 [member edit]

Morning all; managed to set the public-facing video to go live at midnight instead of midday, so I'm popping this one out early too! Enjoy!

In this video it’s my pleasure to introduce the next generation of the 10MW Loose Tenon Jig, the LTJ30

If you don’t know the back story I did a video about a DIY loose tenon jig a couple of years ago, it took about six months to wrestle a flat-pack cnc version of that jig into production and a second larger or Plus version of that jig followed about a year after that.

This new version combines the simple functionality of the original jig together with the shelf-pin goodness of the Plus jig, but in a new material and using a more readily available 30mm guide bush, hence the new name - the LTJ30.

Most of the first run has already sold but you can preorder at, or on the ‘merchant shelf’ directly below the video.

Thank you!

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Dawn Smith
Jul 23, 2023

The LTJ30 looks to be a great jig Peter and so well thought out and presented. Nice one.😎

Jul 23, 2023
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Thanks Dawn! 👍


Jul 21, 2023

For a couple of years I've seen many, many people on YouTube talking/speculating about what the cheap alternative to the Domino is or could be. After watching this video, the answer is very simple: The LTJ30! Nothing else I've seen comes close to a viable Domino alternative (certainly not those wonky Chinese router jig things...) You've thought of pretty much everything the Domino does and put that functionality into a simple, easy to use jig, including locating pins.

Jul 21, 2023
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Thanks Paul! I’m really pleased with this, and I think it’ll tick a lot of boxes for a lot of people. It’s no Domino, and is focussed very much around carcass / cabinet making, so a bit more of a fiddle to use if you were making, say, a frame. But it replicates what I think are the killer features of the domino - tight & loose setting without moving the jig, pin registration for edge referencing - in a jig that’s a fraction of the price.

Someone in the comments on the public YouTube video said you could buy the Festool OF1400 and this jig for less than the price of the Domino. Makes you think! 👍


Ákos Lukács
Jul 21, 2023

Peter, you mentioned in a comment that the LTJ could be used for dowels or peanuts as well. Could you make a quick demo? :)

Ákos Lukács
Jul 21, 2023
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Thanks Peter, I will look around.


Colin Dawson
Jul 21, 2023

The new jig looks great Peter and somehow, it looks a little bit more professional in the white melamine coated finsa.

It's all come a very long way since you took up Gordon's idea and turned it into a set of plans which I bought and subsequently made.

Eventually, I bought the first CNC made jig and use it often for all sorts of tasks.

In particular, for edge jointing with the wiggle room from the different sized mortices making things so much easier than dowels.

I often wonder if Gordon has any involvement these days with the ongoing development or if he's happy for you just to get on with your own development of it 😁.

I'm not sure…

Jul 21, 2023
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Thanks Colin! Yes, I’m very happy with how the new jig has worked out. The original and the plus jigs will still do the job they were made to do, and this next generation is really just to consolidate the two jigs into a single product which makes it easier to cope with from my end of things.

I’m still very much in touch with Gordon, and he was kind enough to provide some initial thoughts on this latest jig, though in the end the switch to the new material meant we didn’t need to incorporate those ideas.

I think it’s a much more ‘finished’ product than the previous versions, and that provides a little bit of scope to raise…


James Farrer
Jul 21, 2023

Does Shopify force you to display non VAT prices? I really hate shopping without tax included prices on consumer web sites

Jul 25, 2023
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Hi Floyd, and welcome. You can pre-order the second batch through my store - just hit the 'SHOP' link in the header, or go there directly at

Best, Peter

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