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A Week In The Workshop 142

Hi everyone, welcome old friends and new faces. A slightly different AWITW this week as it’s going out to all channel members, as I don’t want anyone to miss out.

I had a slight mishap this week (detail in the vid) that just reminded me how much stuff I have in the workshop that I really want to get rid of. However, I can’t give things away on Patreon as it’s against their regs, and I can’t on Youtube Memberships, because there’s no mechanism for contacting members.

So, if you’d like the opportunity of getting hands on with a Festool MFT/1080, an Ooznest Workbee CNC machine, or an Atomstack laser/engraver then head on over to the newly redeveloped and sign up for the members area there - will take you straight there.

At the risk of stating the obvious, these are big items and you’ll need to be able to collect them from me in London W12. will become a paid platform that replaces both YTM and Patreon, but that’s a couple of months away, and it is currently a free signup. When the paid tiers are due to be enabled I’ll post here again with details of how the plans work, but long story short, there’ll be discounts for existing members so that for anyone on a current tier, their contributions will stay at the same level, or may actually be less.

There’s a little more detail in the vid on the next 10MW product, and hopefully I’ll have some more news about that mid-week, but that’s all for now, thanks you so much for your amazing support, enjoy the weekend, and I’ll catch you next time.


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7 תגובות

James Farrer
25 ביולי 2022

Sorry to hear the wait on suppliers Peter. Looks like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place - don't have the size of business to warrant the investment in prototyping tools yourself and don't have enough volumes to send your work to bigger suppliers who can accommodate the R&D side a little bit better than smaller suppliers

25 ביולי 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thanks James. In a swift turnabout, it looks like I’ll be getting the proper prototype jigs and the next bit samples on Wednesday after all, so not the disappointment I thought it might be! But yes, that’s one of the downsides of being a small player. The upside is that I can put a run of ~50 pieces together in a whim to see if the idea has legs, without risking too much. Swings and roundabouts, right? 🤷‍♂️👍


Hugh Tattersall
24 ביולי 2022

OK, any issues, Hikoki UK are across the road.


Hugh Tattersall
24 ביולי 2022

The Trend (Ref GB30) 30mm are 30mm, my Hitachi/Hikoki 30mm is 1 3/16"!

24 ביולי 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

That’s kind of you to offer Hugh, but I prefer to have them on hand - I’m getting quite a collection of them together! 👍

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