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A Week In The Workshop 174

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Hi everyone, hope you’re well; just a chatty one this week as I talk you through a measure-up for some fitted wardrobes - and then explain why they’re not going to happen!

I have an idea for a ‘travel toolkit’ video, but not sure if it’s just me that travels with a few things to make repairs or just tighten things up whilst on the move - let me know if it’s what you do too - and I think I’ve figured out how to add the missing lines onto the Triton Doweller that should make this into a workable tool. Make no mistake at £175 or thereabouts I don’t believe you should have to do this, but if the tool suits your needs in other respects, then this is an easy way to add those missing features.

That’s it for this one, thank you as always for being here, and enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll catch you in the week.


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john Rumbles
Mar 29, 2023

Hi Peter, like you I have carried my leatherman tool abroad with me for decades, but again like you i am frustrated when i cannot take it on our city breaks to Europe with hand luggage only.

Therefore your idea of a suitably acceptable kit, for airport security is an excellent idea, bring it on !!!!!

Also in your interview with the legend Robin Clevett, you mentioned a watch display case as a project you wished to do, that too would be very interesting.

keep up the great work and stay safe.

Mar 29, 2023
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Cheers John! Yes, the watch display case needs to be done. Though I probably need to get my office remodelled first! 😂 I actually have a nice smallrig multi tool that featured in one of the gift ideas videos. No grips, no blade, but a handy little set. 👍


David Sneddon
David Sneddon
Mar 28, 2023

Hey Peter been away with the wife for a few days and had my trusty 25 year old Leatherman in the car with me. I also find the flying restrictions annoying. I was in the airport baggage installations business as part of my remit industrially for a few years and even with an airside access all areas pass the security was extremely variable depending where in the world you were but needless to leaving and entering the UK was the worst, except for USA and CANADA, nightmare. Anyway like others I didn't know Robin but as I said my other reply, looked him and subscribed. Good luck with the renovations.

Mar 28, 2023
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Thanks David! 🙌👍


Doug Dawson
Mar 28, 2023

Funny how times have changed. I spent some time in the eighties as an aircraft mishap investigator and in all our training we were told never fly without some kind of knife such as a leatherman. On a side note, I have to say I very much appreciate your videos, and not just for the technical content. I hade a busy, stressful couple of days and tonight I found myself thinking I just need to relax and watch some of Peter’s videos…don’t know if anyone ever told you before your videos are relaxing😀

Mar 28, 2023
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Yes, different times, indeed! And thanks Doug; from my side of things I find my videos quite stressful! 😂😂


Sean Rice
Mar 27, 2023

I always have a multi-tool in my suitcase too!


Eddy Carroll
Mar 26, 2023

Hi Peter, I've had a Leatherman Micra on my person pretty much continuously for the past 25 years. Its limitations are more than offset by its tiny size and ability to live discretely in my pocket and it's proven very durable. I'd love to find a similar tool that has a cross-head screwdriver, mini slot screwdriver (if possible), some kind of pliers/grips, and is acceptable for plane travel; I can live without the blade. Failing that, I'm always interested in hearing about other neat & compact tools.

I enjoyed Robin's interview. As mentioned elsewhere, the environment was quite distracting, and if you didn't know who Robin was already, then you mightn't have made it far enough into the interview to find…

Mar 27, 2023
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Thanks Eddy! Yes, I had a little Leatherman 'juice' on my van keys for years, and it did an amazing amount of work! The more I look into it the more it seems like a combination of smaller tools is the way to go, especially if you need to lose the blade; more to come on this for sure! Yes, the environment wasn't ideal for the chat with Robin, but you take what you can get sometimes, and future conversations - if there are any to be had - will be much more controlled. We quite liked the fact that there were things going on around us, but I can see that if you didn't know who Robin or myself…

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