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A Week In The Workshop 182

Hi everyone. Just a chatty AWITW this week as I navigate the slump post-Makers Central, discover that things aren’t always rosy and instagram-alike in the fitted furniture world, and realise that what I was doing a decade ago was pretty much bang on the money - there’s a lot to be said for keeping the overhead low. Also as Mental Health Awareness week draws to a close, there's a lot to be said for chat groups and forums where you can express yourself freely.

All that plus a bit of housekeeping and some chatter about saws and routers. ‘Cos I could use another router, right? 🤷‍♂️

Thanks as always for being part of all this, and I’ll catch you mid-week for some Triton Doweller chat.


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8 hozzászólás

2023. máj. 21.

I gave up building surveying over 25 years ago due to the unreasonable requests of clients who wanted a Rolls Royce job but were only prepared to spend second hand mini money. I just got sick of it. Retrained to a driving instructor and it was a breath of fresh air. Own boss etc etc. Great until theory tests were introduced and the bill payer did not want their child stationary going through theory. Then wondered why they were not passing the theory and HPT. You can rarely win with the public. They are soo demanding but have no concept of the efforts that going into trying to achieve their dreams. It's bullying. Now I work 2 days a week…

2023. máj. 21.
Válasz címzettje:

Very true Nickolas - especially now when there are so many ways to do so! 🙌 👍👍


Mark  Walker
Mark Walker
2023. máj. 21.

I want want want that router.

2023. máj. 21.
Válasz címzettje:

Looks really interesting! I do wonder what the maximum collet size is- I’m pretty sure the lever-action on the FM1000 milling motor was 8mm max, be a bit disappointing if this wasn’t a 1/2” router. But yes, want one of these to play with, definitely. 👍


Mike Taylor
2023. máj. 21.

Hi Peter

Could you expand on the ‘UK sourced’ issue that you mentioned please? I’ve been getting some Festool stuff from FFX and other places that sometimes have very good offers.

It would be great to know …. What is the warranty issue and how do I check - for the ones that I already have and for any future purchases?

Lovely to meet on Saturday.


2023. máj. 22.
Válasz címzettje:

Thanks James. That’s pretty standard amongst Festool dealers for a pre-order AFAIK - but no less annoying! And yes, I’ll report back with any findings re the Amazon store products. 👍👍

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