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Hi everyone.
Couple of topics dominating this weeks chat - the house move, and the saw.
I’ll leave the video to do the talking, but thank you all so much for your well wishes - the move went off just fine, and we’re mostly sorted and settled into the rental, though there are still some picture-hanging odds and ends to take care of, inevitably.
And breathe…
Before I go, just a quick reminder that this is the last week of the Sautershop motor and lift giveaway - the comments will close this Friday, the 9th, and the winner announced on the following Sunday AWITW, so if you're interested get your name down by making a comment in the forum (link below) - you have to be in the spin to win...
Have a great weekend everyone, and thank you all so much for being here and being part of this.
One thing I noticed about the saw.. would you have to up-end the whole saw unit to stack it into a rolling systainer set? If so, I’m guessing that using systainers as a stand for the saw is not an option, which seems a shame?
Saw looks great Peter. Very happy that your move is going well for you.
Hi Peter, nice to to see even after all these years of doing what you do and the countless tools you have purchased your still like a kid with a new toy. Hope it lives up to all your expectations. Regards David
Finally! 👍
Great to see the saw unboxed, that side table release was very pleasing and it's so compact, almost cute, can a saw be cute? 🤔 😂, looking forward to future videos on it.
As if moving house isn't stressful enough, you have to deal with getting parking bay clearance, then a muppet goes and parks in it 🤦♂️. Anyway, all over now for a few months, until you have to move back 🥴.
Hope all the building work goes well 👍.