So hilariously, Amazon's dispatch notification has just changed from 'arriving Tuesday 30th' to 'arriving Wednesday 31st...'
Yeah, the day I'm moving house. So who knows if/when I'll actually get this saw. Because it's a big ticket item I need to have a security code for the delivery driver to scan, so it's not like I can ask someone else to keep an eye out for it. Hopefully, I'll get enough warning from the carrier but it's coming through ArrowXL (who I've never heard of) so it's anybody's guess.
Anyway, just a quick one to say that I'm checking out now to pack up my office, and I'll be back and connected probably from Thursday - unless a miracle happens and I do actually get my saw tomorrow in which case I'll let you know. What a palaver!
Best, P
This may help -
Get your tracking number from Amazon and track through parcels app.
This gives much clearer details than Amazon.
One more trick is to click on the courier's logo on the bottom right of the parcels app tracking result and this will automatically track on the courier's website.
There are often more options direct with the couriers than dreamed of by Amazon and they are often up to date and accurate.
The tracking app works with almost every courier we use worldwide except Amazon when they deliver themselves.
We (in Wales) have seven grandkids in Oregon and all have birthdays and Christmas pressies bought all over the world.
Good luck we have our fingers and toes…
This table saw is obviously jinxed and not meant to be. I take this as a clear sign that you should cancel the order and refocus on the sub £1000 saws….’cos I could really do with a tutorial video from you about a table saw for beginners that don’t want to lose fingers (or thumbs)!
Hopefully, it will be with you soon and all the pain will be forgotten. Although I’ll miss those increasingly exasperated updates. Good luck with the move.
Festool fulfillment and logistics:
ArrowXL are fine, the normally deliver washing machines etc for the big online retailers so at least it looks like it has actually been sent.
Good luck
5 left order soon! Repeat: “I must resist temptation!”