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Midweek 108

Well yes, there's always something that requires attention. But never mind - it is getting better, honestly…

Another update imminent.

Best P

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7 תגובות

08 בדצמ׳ 2022

Well I know it's been very challenging but that table does look amazing! The finished table will be stunning. Your patience with it and attention to detail has been fantastic.


Jonathan Skrine
Jonathan Skrine
08 בדצמ׳ 2022

You have my sympathy Peter the swaps and sales function may not be possible. Even when your legal bods have given their opinion best to check your liability insurers...... By the time 'Reasonable' is added to all the care type conditions things often depend on what the judge had for breakfast.... OK I'm a cynic but.

Thanks for looking in to this and I am sure I am not the only one here who would understand completely if you decided not to go forward with this suggestion.


Joe The Attic Woodworker
Joe The Attic Woodworker
08 בדצמ׳ 2022

for giving away stuff there is Freegle.(

wow Peter you must have the patience of St Nick...

Jonathan Skrine
Jonathan Skrine
08 בדצמ׳ 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

The difficulty with Freegle and Freecycle is that things can often be seen for sale at a car boot on next sale day.


08 בדצמ׳ 2022

Wow, the top looks stunning!!! Really nice!!!

Same sanding accident happened to me last week with my new workbench build (the top is made of black finsa) that stuff is soft compared to birch ply! Even with a 180 grit paper you can mess up the edges in no time 😖


Geoffrey Coan
08 בדצמ׳ 2022

Every time I watch the next bit of your mammoth mondrian table build, I think "somehow I don't think Peter will be putting this out as a basic build..." 🤣 With the uneven edge issue you had this week, did you consider putting both pieces through the planer/thicknesser and flattening them all off to say 17mm?

08 בדצמ׳ 2022
בתשובה לפוסט של

Thanks Geoffrey - and no, definitely not a basic build, though to be fair the processes involved are pretty basic; you need a lot of clamps though! MDF through a thicknesser is problematic - you get through the ‘crust’ into the ‘pudding’ very quickly, and the core of Fibracolour is quite soft, so not something I’d want to try. 👍

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