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A Week In The Workshop 160

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Hi everyone, and welcome old friends and new faces. So it’s been a bit of a #patchwork week in the workshop this week, and not just the Mondrian table top!

An Amazon Black Friday purchase nudged me down a rabbit-hole of #tripod parts cannibalisation and 8020 extrusion which took up a chunk of - hugely enjoyable - time, and then lots of admin-type of work was required before I managed to get into the workshop and cutting stuff up.

The #Mondrian table top is coming along - and will hopefully have progressed some more by the time this video is live - but it’s becoming increasingly clear to me that working on small, very precise cuts - like the one’s I’m making for this patchwork table - that a table saw might be on the shopping list in the New Year. And as entertaining as the cordless Festool one seems to be, I’m not sure it would be up to the task - though I’m not what would!

In the meantime I’m jogging along using what I have, and it’s OK, just not as straightforward as it could be.

Shout-out to Chris Murley who posted in the forum about the #CTS click-connect extraction hoses and adapters; I had completely forgotten that I was given a set of these, so I’ll dig them out and put them in the giveaways section. Fair warning; due to the size of the package this one might have to be UK only - I’ll check and confirm when I get them in my hands.

And I’ll be putting together some sample packs of #abrasive - Abranet, the 3M Cubitron stuff and some Smirdex mesh abrasive - and they’ll be up for grabs soon for anyone who fancies trying them out.

That’s all for this one though; thanks for being part of 10MW Plus, enjoy the rest of the weekend and I’ll catch you mid-week sometime.

Cheers, Peter

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nice video Peter, really shows the amount of effort you put into getting these things out for viewing... dedication! like the improvisation for the camera mounts quite ingenious.

Nov 28, 2022
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Thanks Joe! 👍


Nov 27, 2022

I like the gift video too. Always a good list of useful things that are easy on the wallet. I'm really digging the mondirian table, the legs in black and anthracite will look sharp!

Nov 28, 2022
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Cheers Paul! 👍


Rhys Vincent
Rhys Vincent
Nov 27, 2022

Always look forward to the Christmas gift ideas video. Over the years I’ve bought so many little bits from it, from scribe blocks to waste side jigs, and the fact that my dad is also a keen woodworker always gives me ideas of gifts for him too!

Nov 27, 2022
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Great to hear it, thanks Rhys! 👍


John Duffy
John Duffy
Nov 27, 2022

Peter, thanks for an interesting video! I'll vote to continue the Christmas present series. I really enjoy them and being a bit of a sucker for a gadget, have bought one or two items from it over the years, including 2022... An expression you used caught my attention: "Continuity Clothing". Although not an interest of mine, I guess that is very important in videography, and I do find myself instantly reacting to changes in presenters' dress without really understanding why. I note that in the "Live" TV Show "Strictly Come Dancing" they perpetuate the myth that the show is filmed on two separate days, so the presenters and judges all get a clothes and hair makeover between shows, and they have…

Nov 27, 2022
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Thanks John. Yes, though I think it's less important with YouTube, I do try and keep to the same shirt during a video - makes the editing easier, apart from anything else! 😂


Grobi Farnsworth
Nov 27, 2022

Re: table saw, I'm quite happy with my Bosch GTS 10 XC as I (like you) only have limited workshop space available, but after a blt of idiocy-induced bloodshed last year I'm thinking about Festool's TKS 80 (the one with the Saw Stop stuff) if I ever need/want to replace it. Coming really close to losing your fingers puts these things in perspective, I guess. Even when that accident was entirely my fault and I won't be making those mistakes again, there's just too many ways to screw up...

Nov 27, 2022
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Yes, having never really been a table saw user I think something like the sawstop might be a good thing to have! 👍

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