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A Week In The Workshop 165

Hi everyone, hope you had a good week and are having a great weekend.

In this longer AWITW I talk you through a couple of the products I have planned to have out by the end of first quarter ’23; the 10MW MFT Plus Jig that I’ve discussed before and I’m just waiting for a few more parts on, I take you though a ‘functional mock-up’ of the Loose Tenon Jig Mk2, and there’s the 10MW shelf pin and holey rail jig.

The plan is to try and get these out in the next 10 weeks our so, fingers crossed, so lots to be done, and many proper prototypes to put in hand before then.

As always, thanks so much for your support, enjoy the rest of the weekend and I’ll catch you in the week sometime.

Best, Peter

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