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Hey everyone! My apologies for the landslide of Forum notifications you may have received yesterday as I was trying to get the YouTube video archive up to date; I swear I switched that off before I went away on holiday, but it seems to have reinstated itself when I restarted.

Anyway, I have now temporarily disabled that feature while I get the rest of that category upon to date, and I'll do the member videos another time, I think!

Cheers for now, Peter

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7 Kommentare

Peter K
21. Juli 2022

Yeah for what it's worth I have everything turned on and didn't get anything beyond the expected.

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Phil McClure
Phil McClure
21. Juli 2022

Didn't get any notifications that I'm aware of

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Phil McClure
Phil McClure
21. Juli 2022
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Ah ok. For what it's worth I checked my settings and everything looks like it's subscribed to. Honestly can't remember what I did at sign up though.

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Deaf Maker
21. Juli 2022

I didn't get any notifications 🤔

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Deaf Maker
21. Juli 2022
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I do recieve notifications of you tube videos, and your posts.

I am assuming forum notifications is something different?

I will check the settings

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